The Identity 50

Collection of vendors to watch in IAM

The Identity 50

Welcome to the Identity 50. This is a list of vendors to watch in the IAM space. I will frequently update this with more reviews, categories, and metrics. Right now, the criteria are new and innovative companies that are emerging in the space or companies I think are taking an exciting approach. The list will stop at 50, and once we reach 50 I’ll have to create some rules for why we move a company off the list. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.

I want this to be a community thing as well, so please feel free to comment and suggest new vendors. I will be updating this as I get more information on different vendors and as I figure out different categories I want to rank them into.

Revision Date



1st update of the “The List” Added in categories and more companies. I am not sure about the categories yet; I will keep thinking about it and may shift some around.


2nd Update and name change. Added in Readiboth, Acsence, and SecureAuth. New category right now called Emerging. It’s for companies that don’t quite have a category, or are the only one in their category.


Fresh off of Identiverse some updated commentary, new entrants, and updating for M&A Activities. Current count 28 vendors. More than halfway there, and then we’re going to have to figure out how to rank them…..yikes.





Two things I love: The flexibility of the product to provide modern authentication flows for legacy applications the commitment to standards and open source.

I love the approach of a “Zapier” style platform for solving identity problems. ( My words not theirs) But that’s how I look at Readibots. Empowers organizations to automate and change process on their terms, while still adding maturity… very interesting. Practitioners love it too! Got some amazing reviews from customers/practitioners who used the platform in the wild, they love the ability to solve problems quickly.




A fresh take on authorization: although I’m not entirely sold on authorization being a platform itself, I like the use cases that SGNL handles

Can’t talk about authorization without talking about PlainID. Same concerns here around authorization as a stand-alone platform. But I’ve always been impressed with the forward-thinking of the PlainID team.

The Axiomatics crew has been around a long time. ( XACML anyone?) But that was then, and this is now. Their deep knowledge of the authorization landscape gives them an advantage on being able to articulate the challenges that AuthZ brings in modern architectures.

Identity Security/IGA - Next



I love their leadership and thought process around the market. Their commitment to open source around connectivity ( Check out their Baton SDK). But also their approach to a modern converged IAM platform, combining IGA and PAM. Good lifecycle management capabilities, a nice take on AI features with automated Service Desk integration, and probably most importantly, a good well-connected team. A quote from a third party -” I’ve never seen a more connected team that truly looks out for each other”. In today’s world..that’s not nothing.

A true data-first approach to identity. Veza’s features are built on understanding the relationships between users and their access. This is something that legacy platforms miss, and I feel has been the missing piece for a while. Also light on the lifecycle management features.

What started out as an access request-centric platform has quickly matured into an Identity Security platform player. Quick setup of access reviews, self-service access requests,etc. But I also love their outlook on building an all-around platform from the ground up.

Pure access review player with quick setup and easy-to-use features. If you’re looking for a pure access review solution that you can get up and running quickly, give them a look.

Much like Zilla and ConductorOne and quickly growing modern Identity Security platform. Data driven approach on access reviews, basic lifecycle management features, and natively leaning in to the security side of Identity.




The king of the mountain when it comes to IGA, and now if you ask them they would also say when it comes to Identity Security. Recent acquisitions into the PAM space, and a heavy lean into their Atlas platform, has SailPoint looking to prove to the world that their lead is safe. But it’s a brand new world for SailPoint, with lots of competition and shrinking customer budgets. They are now the hunted.

Fresh off of a recent rebrand, Saviynt has been busy the past couple of years. First, rebuilding their product, rebranding their image with customers/partners, and rebranding their logo and website. I’ll go on record and say this: No company is better setup for the new age of “as a platform” then Saviynt. They were years ahead of the market with that messaging, and now have the product to back it up. While others have to buy their way into that arena, they had already been busy building it. Now can they execute?

My wildcard of this group. My love for RL goes back a long way, they are the product that everyone has and no one knows about. But I think that’s changing. With recent acquisitions, they can now enter the IGA space, and with their strong data-centric mindset, they can offer features most other companies won’t be able to provide.

A recent acquisition and management changes over the past couple of years have SecureAuth looking to make a run in the Access Management area, but their future might be in CIAM. Time will tell as we give the new leadership time to paint the vision

For the longest time CyberArk was synonymous with PAM. But the world changed, and so did they. When you count up the acquisitions and take into account their branding, they are clearly positioning themselves as an Identity Security Platform. Their strength will be securing privileged access; their challenge will be providing that same level of depth to the other parts of identity.

Okta? In the OG list? I know, I know. They may not have the longevity as some of the others on this list, but we can’t deny their place in the industry right now. They have dominated this space for a while, and made themselves synonymous with the word Identity. Most of it has been SSO. But ( in my opinion) it was Okta who started the platform wars. Their foray in IGA, and PAM caused a disturbance in the force that has led us to where we are today. We’ve still yet to see their IGA and PAM products really take off, and now the competition is fierce.

I still really want to call them PingRock, but I won’t.. ( I mean I guess I just did) But I digress. With the combination of ForgeRock and Ping, the new Ping now boasts capabilities across the IAM security landscape ( minus Privileged Access). It will be VERY interesting to see if they can pull off what they say the will. Which strategically supports most of ForgeRock and Ping products.




Purpose built, with a singular focus on providing great customer login experiences. CIAM will be huge over the next 5 years, and think Strivacity is poised to capitalize.

Non-Human Identity

Beating the drum in a rapidly growing field. Astrix looks to solve the non-human identity problem. And trust me, it’s a problem. Service Accounts, API keys, OAuth apps, etc. All of these things have access, and are being used thousands of times a day, and no one is looking. Well Astrix is. I love their approach, a clean and informative user interface, and depth of information to investigate.

When you leave stealth with $40M in funding, that tells you something. The non-human identity space will be the next frontier, and Oasis is looking to jump in this fight. Very similar to Astrix from the outside looking in.


As cloud IAM providers becomes more mainstream, what happens when that service goes down? Enter Acsense. It is an interesting market play as right now if I were to ask you the question: “What do you do if your Okta tenant goes down?” I’m not sure many people would have a good answer. Enter Acsense.

A collection of rockstar talent advising them, an engaging promo video, and a beautiful-looking website. But still don’t really know what they will be yet. Interested to see it once they are ready.

Coming for the Okta throne is BeyondIdentity. Leaning heavily on its secure by design approach, BeyondIdentity looks to tackle the SSO, Phishing, and Access Management problems all in one solution.

Biggest takeaway I get from this group. Managing just-in-time access and doing it quickly. I like the approach, would like to see some more growth in lifecycle management features though.

Privileged Access Management

Though they are listed here, I”ll most likely move them to a new category in the next update. Recent acquisitions have them being more than just a PAM player as they also enter the Identity Security Platform contest. But they will face the same uphill battle as their competitors. Managing integration of multiple product lines

Delinea launched themselves in to the platform spae with their acquisition of Fastpath, giving them an IGA ‘ish play to combine with their PAM play. Want to guess with their challenge will be? Yup, integration products

A cloud first modern approach to PAM, StrongDm comes in Strong with a time-to-value approach in getting your head around privileged access. Love the approach, and from what I hear so do customers. Next stop, increasing their presence

Probably not the best fit for them, but their acquisition of Remediant gives them a strong PAM play, so let’s see what they do with it.


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